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CPSLectures Volunteer Information

CPS Lectures is a Bay Area program of the nonprofit The diaTribe Foundation that is devoted to public health, to helping people with diabetes be happier and healthier, and to advocating for action. See our past 148 discussions described at our website and see recordings of many of our recent lectures here on the YouTube page for The diaTribe Foundation. We believe in health of every kind (heart health, glycemic health, cognitive health, mental health) and CPS Lectures is our program devoted to emotional well-being! We get together to pursue learnings of all kinds.

More broadly, we are looking to expand our group of youth volunteer researchers. We’d like to appoint PPP volunteers to help with looking for future speakers (#151 to #200) and providing research, and help to our manager. If you are interested in bringing new ideas to CPS Lectures and ideas and strategies for CPS Lectures outreach, please contact us at and let us know in a sentence or two why you'd like to volunteer with us (up to 50 -200 words is fine). Our CPS Lectures Volunteer Research Corp responsibilities includes some or all the following:

-- investigating potential speakers to be invited to CPS Lectures, particularly speakers aged 18-30 and 31-40, and proposing them for in-depth reviews

-- once a speaker is approved for potential outreach, the CPS volunteers review existing YouTube videos, articles, social media posts, and existing and new books by potential speakers to determine who would provide wonderful learning

-- creating "reviews" of material above - answering two to three questions about why you are proposing them

-- putting forward submissions for potential invitees

-- as the invitees are "accepted," drafting communication to them

-- for those who accept, helping create the evening session - drafting introductions and notes on the program, creating silent auctions, putting together thank yous, etc.

-- create trailers and video recordings for the YouTube page

If you would be interested in reading books and writing your opinions of them, or crafting social media to promote these events, these would be wonderful contributions.

We have had nearly 150 discussions in the last 18 years, nearly 140 of them in person, until the pandemic, focused on various areas of passion for multiple national, global, and local figures. Our first lecture by Jon Cowan in 2003 focused on abolishing guns as personal weapons in the US (as big an issue back then as now) and our latest one focused on the importance of mental health, by best-selling author Lori Gottlieb, the author of "Maybe You Should Talk to Someone." Our next discussion is Tuesday May 4, by a Bay Area best-selling writer and thinker, Julie Lythcott-Haims, on her just-released book "Your Turn," where she writes for 18-34 year olds about some of life's most important lessons in her view as a bi-racial, LGBTQ+ citizen who was Dean of Freshman of Stanford University for ten years.

Please join us this coming Tuesday evening and let us know if you'd like to volunteer for this event by marketing it before hand or taking notes on the event and writing a story for social media after!

Thank you for considering this! If you have questions, or would like to apply to be a CPS Lectures researcher, please write CPS Lectures organizer Katie Brauer with your answer, one or two paragraphs, for why you'd like this position and what you would be able to contribute!


Q: What time commitment for new researchers are you looking for?

A: This is flexible - whatever you need to take part in the work above. For each hour worked, we'd like to know what people you have researched as possible speakers.

Q: How will we be compensated?

A: The position is unpaid; after your first 10 hours of research, we will give a $50 donation in your name to your favorite 501 c3 nonprofit.

Q: What is this program called?

A: CPS Lectures Academic Researcher is the title of the experienced volunteer position; this title is given after the first five hours of research. Starting volunteers are called CPS Lectures Assistant Academic Researchers. Future promotions include to CPS Lectures Volunteer Co-Director for those interested.

Q: What makes a great CPS Lectures speaker?

A:CPS Lectures is a program of The diaTribe Foundation. See so many of our lectures here on the YouTube page for The diaTribe Foundation - just search for CPS Lectures!

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