Asian Americans in Community Involvement (AACI) is putting on their annual art, essay and video contest, Growing Up Asian in America (GUAA), for K-12 Bay Area students.
One (1) $1,000 Grand Prize winner
Ten (10) $500 Best in Class winners
Fourteen (14) $250 Honorable Mention winners
Entries are due on Friday, March 6, 2020 by 5p.m. and rules and submission instructions are included in the guidelines. To conserve resources, AACI is going paperless. We ask each individual organization please print in-house or e-mail the PDF guidelines (GUAA contest guidelines here or on our website:
We appreciate your assistance in outreaching to students and look forward to receiving their entries. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you.
Ham Pham
Development Coordinator
2400 Moorpark Avenue, Suite 300
San Jose, CA 95128
P: (408) 975-2730 x 403 Pronouns: She, her, they, them