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Unlock Creativity this Spring with FREE Annual MasterClass Memberships For Youth & Community Members

Greetings Elevate Oakland Family! We have an exciting announcement: Elevate Oakland is teaming up with MasterClass, the streaming platform where anyone can learn from the world’s best, to present #UnlockCreativity, a campaign to power creative learning by distributing up to 25,000 free one-year annual memberships to the MasterClass platform to public school youth through their support networks.

#UnlockCreativity is a campaign that emphasizes the importance & impact of creative education for youth in our communities by increasing access to creative learning opportunities through the MasterClass platform.

Who is eligible to receive a membership grant?

If you are a student, student family member, educator, affiliate artist/creative, or employee of an affiliate organization or educational organization, you are eligible to receive a MasterClass membership.

By giving educators, families and students access to hundreds of courses featuring thousands of hours of in-depth instruction across a range of topics such as music, arts and personal development, we hope to inspire and empower our youth and their support networks through creative discovery during a time when access to in-person learning is so limited.

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